Customizeable Instagram Handle STRAP Style (Two Pack)

Customizeable Instagram Handle STRAP Style (Two Pack)

Regular price $23.00 Sale

IG Handle Position*:
Total Extras: $0.00

*Show off your Instagram user name and grab those followers!  Sold as a pack of two  rectangular stickers,  you may enter up to 16 characters for your user name.  Decal shown is shows your Instagram handle centered, however if you want it left justified (logo towards front of car) or right justified (logo towards rear of car) instead, select it from the drop down.

This product is a strip of vinyl that has the Instagram camera symbol cut out along with your Instagram Handle.  It is designed to be installed on a rear window for a slick and subtle look.  Since the product is a rectangle, you will need to trim the decal once installed to fit around the contours of your window (see image below).

Please note that for this design, the @ symbol is not included.  Make sure to type it in if you wish to have it included.  Capital or lowercase letters matter, your handle will be cut exactly as entered.

Width: (select from drop down, Height: ~1.5"

Product shown in both Silver and Matte Black below.